Amar Abdisamed

Islam and the 21st Century - Contemporary Issues

Islamic Activism and Proactive Dawah in the Canadian Context

Islam is a religion that is rooted in the principle of enjoining good and forbidding evil in all facets. Thus, it is incumbent upon Canadian Muslims to understand how they can expand their religious and political framework while maintaining and preserving the Prophetic model in their calling. 

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The Sahaba Series

Abu Hurairah r.a رضي الله عنه

In the year 1991, Fatima Mernissi, a world-renowned intellectual thinker and founder of the “modern Islamic Feminism movement” authored a book titled “The Veil and the Male Elite”.  In her writing, she heavily critiqued the great companion of the Prophet ﷺ, Abu Hurairah, for narrating Ahadeeth that did not align with her moral compass or philosophical movement.

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The Sahaba Series

Amr ibn Al ‘As – عمرو بن العاص فاتح مصر

Amr ibn Al ‘As was a walking testimony that proved a person’s past does not define them. From vigorously fighting against the prophet ﷺ in the battle of Uhud to ultimately conquering the beautiful land of Egypt with a mere 4,000 men and bringing it under the banner of Islam, he proved to be instrumental to the expansion of the Muslim Ummah.

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The Sahaba Series

Huthayfa ibn Al-Yamaan – صاحب سررسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

It was a cold windy night. The companions of the prophet ﷺ were gathered all in one location as the confederates ten thousand strong laid sieged on the city of Madinah. The children and women were locked away in a safe fortress as the battle of the trench reached its climax. The freezing winter months brought about shivers and the pitch blackness made it impossible for anyone to see their hands in front of them.

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