Inheritors of The Sunnah:

Theoretical & Practical Studies of Ḥadīth


Inheritors of The Sunnah: Theoretical & Practical Studies of Ḥadīth through Qawāʻid al-Taḥdīth & Bulūgh al-Marām

Course Overview: Embark on a transformative educational journey with “Inheritors of The Sunnah,” a comprehensive 2-year diploma program offered by TheShafiiPen Institute and taught by Ustadh Hesham Alaghbari. This program is designed to immerse you in the depths of Ḥadīth sciences through the study of two pivotal texts: Qawāʻid al-Taḥdīth and Bulūgh al-Marām.

You will explore both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of Ḥadīth, gaining valuable skills and insights essential for a profound understanding of Islamic teachings. Classes will be taught in the English language and will be highly interactive. 

course goals

What You Will Learn:

  • The principles and rules governing the transmission and authenticity of Ḥadīth.
  • Methodologies for analyzing and interpreting Ḥadīth texts.
  • Real life examples of the Prophet Muhammed teaching and intreacting with his Companions.   
  • Practical applications of Ḥadīth in various aspects of Islamic law and practice.
  • The proofs scholars use to derive rulings and their method of doing so.

Bulūgh al-Marām by Al-‘Allāmah Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī

An essential compilation of Ḥadīth that focuses on jurisprudence and practical Islamic law. This collection provides a comprehensive guide to significant Ḥadīth critical for applying Islamic principles in daily life.

Qawāʻid al-Taḥdīth by Al-‘Allāmah Muhammad Jamāl ad-Dīn al-Qāsimī:

A foundational work detailing the principles and rules for evaluating the authenticity and transmission of Ḥadīth. This text is crucial for understanding the scholarly criteria used in Ḥadīth evaluation.


Course Components:

  1. Introduction to Ḥadīth Sciences
  2. In-depth Study of Qawāʻid al-Taḥdīth
  3. Thorough Analysis of Bulūgh al-Marām
  4. Practical Application and Case Studies
  5. Regular Assessments and Comprehensive Review
  6. Live classes will be recorded and provided to students who are enrolled 

العلمُ هو النورُ الذي يُضيءُ دربَ الإنسانِ ويُرفِعُهُ إلى مراقى الفلاح

"Knowledge is the light that illuminates a person's path and elevates him to the heights of success."
Al-‘Allāmah Muhammad Jamāl ad-Dīn al-Qāsimī
May AllAh swt Have Mercy on Him

من طلب العلمَ فصبرَ على أذاه، واستمرَّ في طلبه، فإنه سيُفتحُ له أبوابُ الخير

"Whoever seeks knowledge, endures its hardships, and remains persistent in its pursuit, will have the doors of goodness opened for him."
AL-‘Allāmah Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī
May Allah SWT have mercy on him

Who is Ustadh Hesham?

Ustadh Hesham’s journey into Islamic Sciences started more than 20 years ago when he was still in high school learning various sciences with local teachers. Over the years, he had the opportunity to learn in-person and online with scholars from Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. 

In 2016, he completed the ‘Alimiyyah Programme (Islamic Scholarship Programme) at Al-Salam Institute in the UK under the tutelage of Dr. Akram Nadwi.  

Currently, he is continuing advanced studies in the fields of Tafseer, the Arabic Language and literature, Fiqh and Theology. He has been leading prayers, and delivering classes and sermons for the last 10 years in the Ottawa region.

Course Details


24 Months - Starting Oct 5th 2024


Every Sunday
11:00 am EST - 1:00 pm EST

Age Groups

Open to all Brothers and Sisters Ages 15+



Discount for All MSA students across Canada ($35/month)

$30 one-time registration fee​

Ustadh Hesham Alaghbari


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