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This interactive Seerah Course for Youth is a course that aims to connect our young sons and daughters to the life of our noble Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. With an engaging and unique twist to the classes, we hope that participants in the course will walk away with increased love and appreciation for their religion.

This course will include fun projects, presentations, assignments, in-class teamwork activities and exciting challenges inshaa Allah.

The class will have a dedicated google classroom which will include all the instructions, homework, and updates of the course. Classes will be held online via google meets. The class size will be small to increase participation and teaching quality.

Our main goal in this course is not to only narrate a series of events that took place during the life of our Prophet ﷺ but to be able to extract lessons that can be applied beyond this course inshaa Allah. Studying the Seerah is one of the best ways to learn good manners, sound belief and basic principles of our religion.


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